6 MAPS, cello solo
“6 maps" for solo cello was written and dedicated to the cellist and composer, as well as dear friend, Umberto Pedraglio. With him, we often exchange ideas, provocations, dedicate pieces to each other, and sometimes we even play together.
Total timing 8:00
“6 maps" for solo cello was written and dedicated to the cellist and composer, as well as dear friend, Umberto Pedraglio. With him, we often exchange ideas, provocations, dedicate pieces to each other, and sometimes we even play together.
Total timing 8:00
“6 maps" for solo cello was written and dedicated to the cellist and composer, as well as dear friend, Umberto Pedraglio. With him, we often exchange ideas, provocations, dedicate pieces to each other, and sometimes we even play together.
Total timing 8:00